Saturday, June 18, 2011

Finn is 5 Months Old!

Mr. Finn is doing so well!  He easily weighs over 16 lbs, is starting size 3 diapers, and is wearing  9 month clothes!  He has bulked up to say the least!  Finn has started eating foods! Rice cereal, green beans, carrots, peas, squash, and mashed potatoes!  I made some homemade organic carrots, which he seems to really love!  The girls got to choose what food to start with and they chose green beans.  He is a big eater and leans in alot while sitting in his Bumbo.  He rolled over from his back to his belly for the first time on 6/10/11.  He reminds me so much of Delaney at this age!  They both have the widow's peak hairline, make the same motions, and look alot alike in the eyes...but he has Lucy's coloring- such a good mix of both girls.  He has gotten into this screaching thing, and it is ear shattering!  EVERYTHING is now going in his mouth- his hands, his feet, our hands, my hair, toys, the girls' hands, etc. We have so much baby stuff out in the house right now...swing, exersaucer, bouncy seat, jumperoo, walker, and Bumbo.  I know I will be able to start putting away some of the baby stuff, but I don't want to yet!  Finn has been loving going in the pool and went to the beach and got his first sunburn- whoops!  We went with the Deisings, and the babies were under the big tent the whole time, but it must have been the reflection off of the sand,  I felt so guilty.  He's not supposed to wear sunscreen until he's 6 months old, so we probably shouldn't have even taken him!  Finn even went on his first road trip to NC to visit our friends Rosie and Tim, and he did so great on the 9 hour car ride!  What a trooper! We love our little boy!!!

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