Wednesday, May 15, 2013

A Finn Story

Finn gave us quite a scare last night. he and i were playing with him sitting on my shoulders. he threw himself back and thought it aas a great game. Then he climbed back on my shoulders and i decided to hold him by his arms this time. but finn decided to throw himself backward again! As he did, I felt alittle pop in his right wrist. I called for Kenny to get finn off of me and right side up. Finn cried and clutched at his wrist. We tried to ice it and let him rest, but he continued to cry if we touched it. So I called Dan and he and Rhonda came over and advised us to take him for an X-ray. So we made him a little splint out of a toilet paper roll and raced to Twilight pediatrics urgent care.  We had to get there by 8:30 to get an xray, so kenny and I sped there! Dr. Q moved it around a bit, then tried to bend it in. he told us he thought it was dislocated and he was going to try a maneuver to put it back in place. As soon as he did it, Finn was fine. He called it Nursemaid elbow and he'll be susceptible to it until he's 3 or 4 because stretched out his ligaments. I cried tears of joy and relief! and hugged the doctor! 5/14/13

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