Tuesday, June 19, 2012

16 Months of Finn Fun!

Finn is beginning to show some spirit!!!  He had his first tantrum this month, complete with foot stomping, screaming!  I got it on video...Kenny and I say all the time "I wish he could just tell us what he wants!"  He continues to point and make his grunting sounds, and we know what he wants most of the time.  He is still a great eater, loving his meats, pulled pork, grapes, and strawberries. He wears 18 month clothes and got a cute new pair of camo shoes.  He wears size 4 diapers and is beginning to notice his poops coming and is tending to hide or walk away and stay still...the beginning of the potty training is in our future!  He has all 4 molars in and his 3rd tooth on the bottom broke through!  

This month we were busy with trips to Orlando for Memorial Day and Delaney's early birthday celebration, Navarare to visit the LeBeaus, and Fort Lauderdale for Gabby's engagement party.  Finn did great, rolling with the total lack of schedule, and always seeming to catch a snooze in the car.  He met Kelly's 20 month old son, Luke, who tended to like to push or hit Finn, so by the end of the weekend, Finn would cry whenever Luke came near him!  (I also have that on video!)  

Finn had another trip to the ER this month...He had gotten a cold the day before and had a runny nose, but I didn't like the way he was breathing.  He was wheezing and breathing VERY rapidly with his stomach muscles moving instead of his chest.  I ended up taking him to an urgent care on Father's Day afternoon and they sent me right to the ER because they said he was in respiratory distress.  He had nebulizer treatments and steroids, and a chest X-ray to rule out pneumonia.  He was d/c with a diagnosis of bronchitis.  Never a dull moment!  

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