13 Months:
- pretends to sleep
- says "BU" and points when he sees a school bus- the Easter Bunny even brought him a toy bus in his basket
- plays "Choo Choo"- he walks up behind you, grabs your pants, and pushes you so you make a train. You have to say "Chugga chugga" and sometimes he answers with "Choo Choo." He started playing this with the girls, but now he does this with everyone!
- Took his 1st trip to the ER via ambulance
- says "shhhhh" and places his finger to his lips
- shakes his head "No"- not perfectly accurate at this point!
- Fist pumps whenever music comes on. I will see him out of the corner of my eye in the car, that little right fist flying around. Sometimes his fist pumping even makes me notice music is on!
- Blows kisses
- Stabs food on his tray with a fork, pretty well too!
- Throws his binky back into his crib when you lift him out after naps and in the morning. He knows it's just a crib-thing!
- When he's tired, he will grab his binky and blanket out of his crib and lay his head on the floor.
- has fallen in the pool 2x, he is not afraid of the water, which is so scary!
14 Months:
- When I am talking on the cell phone, he can tell when I about to get off and will say "Bye" before I even do- usually from the backseat of the car! Kenny has even heard him on the other end of the line!
- signs "finished" and "grapes"
- Started swim lessons with Miss Trish to teach him survival swim skills to float in case he falls in the pool. We got 4x/week for 10 minutes at a time.
- Sticks his tongue out when asked "where is your tongue?"
- Is fickle...only answers questions or "performs" when he wants to!
- Waves his hand for "stinky" after he farts or poops. Sometimes when I get him out of his crib after his naps, he waves his hand, telling me he has a poop! He's so smart!
- Constantly doing "cheers" with his cup- repeatedly, and to everyone at the table
- Went to his 2nd Orange and Blue Game
- Got his first molar on 4/25/12- top R
15 Months
- Found his 1st girlfriend (our waitress at Lulu's)- he got all bashful, couldn't keep his eyes off of her, would yell out to her when she walked away, and gave her the biggest smiles!
- says "Da" for "done" when finished with a drinks, food
- likes to throw EVERYTHING in the garbage- even perfectly good toys!
- When he gets dressed, says "Whoo Whoo" like a catcall! Even points to his clothes and says "Whoo Whoo" so you notice.
- Thumps his chest like a gorilla when you ask him what a Gorilla does.
- Once he starts, he likes to give high fives to everyone!
- Says "Whoa" when he falls
- Asks for hugs with outstretched arms "hu, hu, hu"
- Shakes his head NO, when he really means yes!
- "Bo, bo, bo" (boat) w sign for boat after watching Jeff on a news clip for the Eagle
- Answering questions now: "Do you want Lucy's strawberry?" "Ya"
- "Do you have a stinky?" "Ya" and waves his hand in front of his nose!
- Said "Bye bye" to Papa one day, and Papa said: "Do you want papa to leave?" Finn answers "Ya!"
- Does a fist bump with the explosion sound
- Does "shhhh" while looking at a picture of himself sleeping.
- When you ask him how he floats in the pool, he puts his head back.
Finn had his 15 month well-visit and check up on 5/18/12, when he was actually 16 months. He weighed 23lb, 6 oz (50th percentile), was 31" long (50th percentile), and his head circumference was 19" (90th percentile).
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