Sunday, April 22, 2012

Finn Months 13-15

What has the little man been up to lately?
13 Months: 
  • pretends to sleep 
  • says "BU" and points when he sees a school bus- the Easter Bunny even brought him a toy bus in his basket
  • plays "Choo Choo"- he walks up behind you, grabs your pants, and pushes you so you make a train.  You have to say "Chugga chugga" and sometimes he answers with "Choo Choo."  He started playing this with the girls, but now he does this with everyone!
  • Took his 1st trip to the ER via ambulance
  • says "shhhhh" and places his finger to his lips
  • shakes his head "No"- not perfectly accurate at this point!
  • Fist pumps whenever music comes on.  I will see him out of the corner of my eye in the car, that little right fist flying around.  Sometimes his fist pumping even makes me notice music is on!
  • Blows kisses
  • Stabs food on his tray with a fork, pretty well too!
  • Throws his binky back into his crib when you lift him out after naps and in the morning. He knows it's just a crib-thing!
  • When he's tired, he will grab his binky and blanket out of his crib and lay his head on the floor.
  • has fallen in the pool 2x, he is not afraid of the water, which is so scary!
14 Months:
  • When I am talking on the cell phone, he can tell when I about to get off and will say "Bye" before I even do- usually from the backseat of the car!  Kenny has even heard him on the other end of the line!
  • signs "finished" and "grapes"
  • Started swim lessons with Miss Trish to teach him survival swim skills to float in case he falls in the pool.  We got 4x/week for 10 minutes at a time.
  • Sticks his tongue out when asked "where is your tongue?"
  • Is fickle...only answers questions or "performs" when he wants to!
  • Waves his hand for "stinky" after he farts or poops.  Sometimes when I get him out of his crib after his naps, he waves his hand, telling me he has a poop!  He's so smart!
  • Constantly doing "cheers" with his cup- repeatedly, and to everyone at the table
  • Went to his 2nd Orange and Blue Game
  • Got his first molar on 4/25/12- top R
15 Months
  • Found his 1st girlfriend (our waitress at Lulu's)- he got all bashful, couldn't keep his eyes off of her, would yell out to her when she walked away, and gave her the biggest smiles!
  • says "Da" for "done" when finished with a drinks, food
  • likes to throw EVERYTHING in the garbage- even perfectly good toys!
  • When he gets dressed, says "Whoo Whoo" like a catcall! Even points to his clothes and says "Whoo Whoo" so you notice.
  • Thumps his chest like a gorilla when you ask him what a Gorilla does.
  • Once he starts, he likes to give high fives to everyone!
  • Says "Whoa" when he falls
  • Asks for hugs with outstretched arms "hu, hu, hu"
  • Shakes his head NO, when he really means yes!
  • "Bo, bo, bo" (boat) w sign for boat after watching Jeff on a news clip for the Eagle
  • Answering questions now: "Do you want Lucy's strawberry?" "Ya"
  • "Do you have a stinky?" "Ya" and waves his hand in front of his nose!
  • Said "Bye bye" to Papa one day, and Papa said: "Do you want papa to leave?" Finn answers "Ya!"
  • Does a fist bump with the explosion sound
  • Does "shhhh" while looking at a picture of himself sleeping.
  • When you ask him how he floats in the pool, he puts his head back.
Finn had his 15 month well-visit and check up on 5/18/12, when he was actually 16 months.  He weighed 23lb, 6 oz (50th percentile), was 31" long (50th percentile), and his head circumference was 19" (90th percentile).

Sunday, April 15, 2012


Finn loves to do Cheers with everyone!  Here we are at the Golden Lion
after a beautiful day at Matanzas Inlet!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Finn’s Swim Lessons

Since Finn is such a wild man, we have put him into infant swim lessons. These lessons are basically drowning prevention where they teach the babies to roll over and float if they ever fall into the pool. He goes to Miss Trish 4x a week for just 10 min...and he cries the whole time!


This is what Finn does when I try to take his picture nowadays!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!

We celebrated Easter with the traditional dying of eggs, egg hunts and parties at school!  We even got included in the egg hunt with Delaney's kindergarten class!  Easter morning we found that the Easter Bunny had visited and left baskets and eggs for the kids.  Each kid got a new bathing suit, pool toys, and beach toys.  Then we headed outside for the egg hunt!  Lucy was all about just getting as many eggs as she could, while Delaney stood back and helped Finn.  It was adorable and so sweet!  She would point the eggs out to him, he'd pick them up, shake them, dump the candy on the ground, then throw the eggs!  He had no interest in collecting them or putting them in his basket.  He was just happy to be outside!  Dan and Rhonda came over to watch and help sort candy after it was all over. Nana and Papa are out of town in Colorado, so we went to the Deising's for brunch.  The kids swam and we had a great time with good friends.  We came home, played outside, swam, and ate dinner.  A nice relaxing family weekend!
dying Easter Eggs- trying to get them as bright as can be!

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Lucy taught us how to blow out a raw egg so we could dye those, too!  She learned how to do it in school from Mrs. Moyle

The Easter Bunny came!

it's almost like Christmas morning...

Finn received a school bus- his latest obsession.  He sees one and says "BUUUUU"

DYING/CRYING to get out of the house for the egg hunt


Finn just liked to pick up the eggs, shake them, open them, then throw them!

Delaney was a great big sister- she would point all of the eggs out to Finn and let him get them!

So much joy from shaking eggs!

giant bunny marshmallows

Our 3 Bunnies

sorting the candy with Dan

the loot!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Orange and Blue Game

We took the kids to the Orange and Blue Spring football scrimmage today and hand a blast!  Dan and Rhonda came with us.  As soon as we got out of the car, we headed to the stadium and got to see the cheerleaders perform, and took pictures with Albert and Alberta.  We had a nice lunch at the Swamp, then headed into the game.  We stayed the whole scrimmage, with Finn even napping in the Baby Bjorn.  The kids did great, and I love that Kenny and I are raising them to love the Gators!

obsessed with the cheerleaders


lunch at the Swamp pregame

True Gator Spirit

Finn slept for 1/2 the game in the Baby Bjorn

high 5's from Albert

Delaney bummed because she literally missed the high 5 Albert gave her!

Love these kids!

future wide receiver post game on the grass

Delaney cartwheeling postgame