Monday, July 18, 2011

Finn is 6 Months Old!

Wow!  I can’t believe Finn has been a part of this family for half a year!  It seems like he’s been with us forever…but then again, seems like he’s just a baby, doing new things every day!  He now wears 9 months clothes, size 3 diapers, weighs 18 lb (75th percentile) and is 26" long (50-75th percentile).  He is our smallest of all the kids at this point!  Weird!  He has started babbling (“Oh Mama”). He is rolling all over the house, is able to sit up on his own, with a bit of support at times.  When he sits, he is grabbing for things, so he tends to topple over a lot.  We went to the beach last weekend, and he sat in a little pool that Kenny dug for him forever!  He was so into splashing and digging in the sand with his fingers!  Adorable!  No sunburn this time!  Such a Florida boy already!  When we go out shopping, he is now able to sit in the shopping cart.  The other day at Publix, he rode in the double cart with Lucy and was driving the cart, and also leaning his forehead on the steering wheel peering at the floor as we shopped!  So funny!  He also now rides in the big carseat rear-facing!  No more baby carseat!
Finn is our piggy boy…he loves the fruits and veggies, especially the roasted fruits! He tolerates green beans, but loves everything else!  He starts screaching as soon as we put him in his highchair, and as long as he has something in his hands, he is happy.  He has teether biscuits and MumMums which bide his time until I can get the food in his mouth.  I have started traveling with Puffs, which can also distract him for a little bit!  The doctor said that he can now start eating ground up meats and yogurt, and can be eating 3 meals per day, which I know Finn will appreciate!  

Today was the first day that Finn acknowledged me when I got home from work.  I don't think I'll ever forget it!  I walked in, he was in his walker, and he turned his head and shrieked!  Then he couldn't get his body turned around, so he started to cry.  As soon as Delaney turned his around, he was squealing!  I picked him up, and he was just so happy!  Melted my heart!  

Also, we found out something new about Finn this month- he has a BIRTHMARK on his leg that Kenny or I never saw!  My friend Maria was holding him and mentioned "Oh, he has a birthmark!"  and I had no idea what she was talking about...I even tried to rub it off thinking it was some dried on sweet potatoes!  It's on his right calf...poor third child!

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