Finn is 4 months old already! Time has flown by, but it also feels like he's been part of our family forever! We are falling more and more in love with this boy by the minute! He is so happy and smiley! He now weighs 14lb, 13 oz (50th %tile), is 24 3/4 inches long (50th %ile), wears size 6-9 month clothes, and size 2 diapers (but not much longer- and whoops, I ordered a case of 204 size 2 diapers online! UGH!) He was just cleared to start baby foods, like rice cereal! He has rolled from his tummy to his back and is ready to reach out and grab things any minute now! He stares so intently!
Kenny and I have realized that we treat Finn so differently than the girls- we are already rough and tough with him! Kenny barks at him and he laughs! I throw him in the air and he laughs…everything rough is fun for Finn- such a BOY. He is now using a Jumperoo and loves it, and his Exersaucer is out now, too! He is so content to just be watching people! I took him to Delaney’s kindergarten orientation and he sat and listened to the Principal speak for an hour and was so happy just to look at all of the people. He had his first haircut because his little mohawk started to curl over! Now it's more of a "tame" mohawk! We love it! His hair is starting to fall out in weird spots- he's got a little male pattern baldness with a mohawk! We are also starting to see some blonde hairs coming in...can't wait to see what this boy ends up looking like! Everyone says he is identical to Lucy now...but Lucy as a baby looked very different! We'll see! We recently hired Ruthie Belle to babysit Finn since Nana and Papa left to go to MA for the summer, and he seems to love her! She fits right in and will watch all 3 kids over the summer when the girls are done with school. She even does the kids laundry, cleans, and changes their sheets…I really love her! Hehe!
We have some concerns that we shared with the doctor at Finn's 4 month appointment. He still likes to be swaddled and doesn't settle down very well to sleep on his own. He is waking up ALOT throughout the night and just needs his binky to fall back asleep, but that is getting very old! The doctor increased his acid reflux meds thinking that he may be in pain during the night. She also ordered blood tests to test his sugar levels as that could be a reason for his arm shaking. He also is still having the stinky poops, so they are going to do a stool culture. Poor kid!!
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