Thursday, March 31, 2011

March 2011

Snoozing with Nana

Sarah, Jeff, and Kenny raiding the kids candy bowl after they went to bed...the stuff of kids' nightmares!

First time in Bumbo...and it's pink!

Delaney did her own hair!

Hanging outside in the fresh air

First Bath for all 3 together!

Who falls asleep in a Bumbo???

Jaxson up in the playground!

Sharing a bed

Classy family pic in front of the beer truck at the Celtic Festical...some old guy insisted on taking a picture of us!

Loves Daddy!

Love the shirts!  Thank you, Aunt Kelly!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Annie and Jenna Visit

My cousin Annie and her friend jenna came to visit for a few days- we had a blast!  The girls had a great time making cupcakes, doing makeup, making sushi with famed sushi chef “Kenny Kim” and playing card games!


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Happy 2 Months, Bubs!

Finn now weighs 12lb, 7 oz (75th percentile) and is 23 in. long (50th percentile).  He is now in 3-6 month clothes, no more newborn for this big boy!  He still wears size 1 diapers... definitely not much longer though- I'm ready with the size 2's!  He has gone through a growth spurt where he would want to eat 4 ounces every 2 hours!  Such a hungry boy!  We went for his 2 month check up today, and I was happy to report to the doctor that Finn has been a different baby since the last time we saw him!  Thank goodness for Zantac!  The doctor also said that we should stop the Mylicon now and start weaning him off of the Zantac and switching to regular formula around 3 months.  Finn's digestive system is maturing and he should do fine without any assistance soon! YEAH!

Finn loves his swing and looking at the mirror and little animals above it.  He will sit in his bouncer and even the PINK Bumbo (poor kid).  He loves laying on his play mat and the girls spend alot of time talking to him there.  His head control is great!  The doctor was impressed at how strong he was, especially his back!  He took his first bath with the girls sitting in the Bumbo.  He's been out and about so much...and it is so much easier that his schedule is predictable and we aren't having bouts of random screaming.  Our household is alot calmer and I am less nervous.  The girls are getting more quality time with Kenny and I, which is great for all of us.  Finn has started his own night time schedule, where he eats around 7pm and is out for the night around 8pm- all swaddled in bed.  We still do the "dream feed" around 10pm, which holds him off until around 3-4am.    He is smiling ALL THE TIME, and will coo at you as if having a conversation. 

   Finn loves his sisters, he and Delaney especially have a connection...he adores her!  She spends alot of time talking to him and entertaining him.  Lucy just doesn't have much interest at this point, but who can blame her, she is 3!  Lucy does like to feed him, but not as much as Delaney does, and her attention span isn't that long!  Delaney acts like a little mommy sometimes- just yesterday Papa was holding him and he started to fuss, and out of nowhere Delaney pipes up "Just talk to him or sing to him, Papa, and he will calm down."  Thanks, Mom!

Oh, and I've started calling Finn "Bubs"...I think it is a mixture of chubs and bubba!  

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Delaney and Finn

Every time Delaney is holding Finn or next to him, she asks me to “take a picture, Mom”…therefore, we have a MILLION pictures of the two of them!  Here are just a sampling! They certainly have a special connection!


Friday, March 11, 2011

Lucy's Quote of the Day

"I maybe need a napkin" 
after looking at her makeup in the mirror...

Ya think?

First day of Spring Break, arts and crafts, walk, soccer, singing and dancing!

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Kenny took the girls fishing for the first time at a little retention pond behind the old hospital.  They each caught one fish immediately- literally as soon as their hooks hit the water! 


Saturday, March 5, 2011


We went to the circus (the girls’ first) when Jeff and Sarah were here…
a bit of a disappointment, but we all had fun!
March 20111