Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Finn's 18 Month Check-Up (but he's really 19 months)

Finn had his 18 onth check up today and is such a big man now!  He jumped up on the big kid scale and got weighed and measured, just like his sisters!  He sat so still and let them examine him, Dr. Ahmed couldn't get over how friendly he was! He weights 25 1/4 lb and is 32 1/4" tall.  He's still in the 40th percentile for weight and they want us to start him on Pediasure to make sure he's getting enough nutrients since he's not a fan of milk!  He also got 3 shots and shed some big tears!

Finn wears size 12-18 month clothes and size 4 diapers.  His shoes seem to be getting a bit small!! He isn't much of an eater- some days he likes something, the next day he won't!  He doesn't like many vegetables, but loves his fruits.  He is so active and loves climbing! He can jump with both of his feet off the ground already!  He doesn't say many words, but they will come!  Here is his list so far:
1. Mom
2. Dad
3. boat (bo-bo)
4. bus
5. uck (truck)
6. nana
7. papa
8. ogg (dog)
9. emo (Elmo)
10. NO
11. bye bye
12. nigh-nigh (night night)
13. Ookie: cookie
14. Up
15. Down
16. baby
17. mine (a favorite saying of his)
18. yay
19. poo poo
20. moo moo (movie in the car)
21. hot
22. wawa- water
23. ou- out

He still naps 1-2 times a day, goes to bed around 7:30 or 8 and sleeps until around 6:45 or 7.  He's a great sleeper and LOVES his binky and Gator football banket! We've introduced him to a potty chair, but he just shakes his head and says "uh uh" when I ask if he wants to try it!  We were trying to let his hair grow out a bit and get it like a surfer cut, but his hair is pretty thick and it was just poofing up on top and the line around his head looked ridiculous!  So we are back to his trusty buzz cut! He looks like such a stud muffin to me! Finn is just the sweetest little man!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Delaney's Second Day of School

2nd Day of 1st- posing in front of her artwork she made on the first day!  Already hung up!
Emotions- I swear it was the best one!!!
With her BFF Elizabeth before school 2nd day!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Lemonade Stand

The girls and I decided to do a lemonade stand this summer to benefit Camp boggy Creek, which caters to children campers who are sick and normally would not be able to attend a regular camp due to their health issues. A family friend's son who recently passed away went there and we decided to donate our profits in his memory! The girls made signs and we sat out front from 9-11. We made $38.43! A lot was donations from our neighbors and friends- but it all counts! Even if mommy didn't read the directions and didn't put any sugar in the mix! Whoops!

First Day of School

Delaney started 1st grade today at PTE and is in Mrs. Mott's class. She told me she had a stomach ache on the way to school, but by the time we were walking into school she was bouncing down the sidewalk and said "I'm not nervous anymore, I'm just excited!" I was so proud to hear that reaction! It was a big difference from last year. She is with Elizabeth, Sarah, and a lot of her VPK class, so she knows most of the kids, which is a huge change from last year where she knew no one. She told me today she volunteered in art to be the table captain. I love how she is getting so confident and talkative! When I was asking her about school, she kept in saying: "and Mom, can I tell you one more thing?" It was a very proud day for me!

Lucy started VPK today! This is the first year she will be going to preschool 5 days a week! She fits right in there and is so comfortable! Leaving Lucy at school is never an issue! She went with Mrs. Steele for aftercare to the library, and I picked her up after work. She sits at the Shark table with Gregory, Luke, Evynn, Evan, and Jordan. Her job this week is flag holder!

They both start dance class at Ananda's Dance Center this week! Delaney us doing hip hop acro and Lucy is doing ballet, tap, and tumbling!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Trip to the Jacksonville Zoo

Renee and I decided to head to the Jacksonville Zoo for one last summer adventure! We ALL loaded into Renee's car with out lunches packed!  We pet the sting rays, fed a giraffe, went in the photobooth, got snow cones, and played in the splash park!  Right before lunch, it started to pour, so we quickly ran to a covered pavillion and ate.  It was still raining when we were done with lunch, so we put the kids bathing suits on and let them play and dance in the rain!  We had a blast! What a memorable day!  The two little boys did so well- they only fell asleep right at the end of the day as we were leaving at 4:30!  We closed the place down!  We were there all day!
waiting to feed the giraffes
Harassing the real gorilla!
watching the penguins
"Get away, Jake!"
6 kids in a photo booth!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

End of Summer at Seaworld

We took the kids for one last fun day at Seaworld before school started!  Delaney decided that she wanted to sit in the splash zone this time!  It was a scorching hot day, so we were glad the kids had their bathing suits for the splash pad.  There is a special summer Sesame Street show that we went to and we knew Finn would love it!  We even got to meet the characters after the show- but Finn was a little shy!

Sesame Street

The Kimbles with the Sesame Street Gang!

Delaney pre-splash zone with Shamu behind her!

Post-splash zone!  Daddy went down there to keep Delaney company and they got SOAKED!
Splash Pad
